Oracle Exadata Database Administrator and Implementation Certified Professional
confirms that applicants have the DMA (Database Machine Administrator) skill to
implement and manage the Oracle Exadata Machine. It also indicates a
certification holder can do everyday tasks whether it is Database or Exadata
Machine which also helps to increase productivity of employee.
There are two exams for Oracle Exadata as below. Based on your role you can choose any of the exam or both.
1. 1Z0-338
- The Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Cloud Service 2017
Implementation Essentials
2. 1Z0-070 - Oracle Exadata X5 Administration
why to choose Oracle Exadata Certification?
days Oracle is coming with new version of Database with lots of new features
which eliminate many of the DBA tasks so if you are traditional DBA then one day
DBA role will be eliminated which may impact your career if you are not
upgrading yourself with the technology so better to prepare yourself to be DMA
which is hot demand in the database market. This certification will help you to
transform from DBA to DMA where you can manage database as well the underlying
infrastructure where database is running.
1: Opens the door for better job as it
2: No doubt it will boost your earning if you are certified and
transforming from DBA to DMA.
3: Certified candidate having more chance to get sort listed for any of the
interview process.
Reason 4: Provides you a feeling of accomplishment which will help you to drive your career towards more success
Reason 5: Demand of Oracle Exadata Certified increasing rapidly which enables you to stand out of the group
Ultimate Guide to Clear Oracle Exadata Certification
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