Top 7 Database Views To Monitor Exadata

There are multiple ways to monitor the Exadata. Below 7 views will help to monitor Exadata in terms of history and current statistic of Exadata.

V$CELL—provides information about cell IP addresses mentioned in the cellip.ora file

CELL_PATH - IP addresses of the cell.
CELL_HASHVAL - A numeric hash value for the cell.

V$CELL_STATE—provides information about all the cells accessible from the database client

CELL_NAME - IP addresses of the cell.
STATISTICS_TYPE - statistics type, such as thread_stats.
OBJECT_NAME - key for a specific statistics type, such as the thread ID if STATISTICS_TYPE is thread_stats.
STATISTICS_VALUE - statistic values in an XML document with attribute and value pairs.

V$CELL_THREAD_HISTORY—contains samples of threads in the cell collected by the cell server

CELL_NAME - IP addresses of the cell.
SNAPSHOT_ID - ID of the snapshot(NUMBER).
SNAPSHOT_TIME - date and time of the snapshot.
JOB_TYPE - job that the thread was running when the snapshot was taken.
WAIT_STATE - A unique state that identifies the location of the wait, if any exists.
WAIT_OBJECT_NAME - Object being waited on, if any exists. For example, the mutex name.
SQL_ID - The identifier of the SQL command that the client was processing for the job that is running.
DATABASE_ID - ID of the database (NUMBER).
INSTANCE_ID - ID of the instance (NUMBER).
SESSION_ID - ID of the session (NUMBER).
SESSION_SERIAL_NUM - session serial number (NUMBER).

V$CELL_REQUEST_TOTALS—contains historical samples of requests run by the cell

CELL_NAME - IP addresses of the cell.
SNAPSHOT_ID -ID of the snapshot(NUMBER).
SNAPSHOT_TIME - date and time of the snapshot.
STATISTICS_NAME - name of the statistic.
STATISTICS_VALUE - value of the statistic.

V$SYSSTAT - This is view what we often use for monitoring database and be able to use monitoring Exadata also.

V$SQL family of views contain columns that define the volume of data that may be saved by offloading (IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_ELIGIBLE_BYTES) and the volume of data that was actually returned by the storage servers (IO_INTERCONNECT_BYTES, IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_RETURNED_BYTES).


This interesting view records a ten-minute history of what cellsrv threads were doing, conceptually something like ASH for storage cells. 

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