The current configuration information is used to plan patching requirements,configure new IP addresses, and so on. The following information should be collected as described before extending the rack.
- Image history information using the following command
- Current IP addresses defined for all Exadata Storage Servers and database servers using the following command
#cellcli -g ~/all_group -l root "ifconfig" > ifconfig_all.txt
- Information about the configuration of the cells, cell disks, flash logs, and IORM plans using the following commands
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list cell detail" > cell_detail.txt
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list physicaldisk detail" > \
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list griddisk attributes \
name,offset,size,status,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome" > \ griddisk.txt
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list flashcache detail" > \
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list flashlog detail" > fl_detail.txt
#dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list iormplan detail" > \
- HugePages memory configuration on the database servers using the following command
#dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'HugePages'" >\ hugepages.txt
- InfiniBand switch information using the following command
#ibswitches > ibswitches.txt
- Firmware version of the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 switches using the
#nm2version command on each switch.
- The following network files from the first database server in the rack
– /etc/resolv.conf
– /etc/ntp.conf
– /etc/network
– /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
- Any users, user identifiers, groups and group identifiers created for cluster-managed services that need to be created on the new servers
– /etc/passwd
– /etc/group
- Output of current cluster status using the following command
$crsctl stat res -t > crs_stat.txt
- Patch information from the Grid Infrastructure and Oracle homes using the following commands. The commands must be run as Grid Infrastructure home owner, and the Oracle home owner
$/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -oh GRID_HOME -detail -all_nodes > opatch_grid.txt
$/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -oh ORACLE_HOME -detail -all_nodes >> opatch_oracle.txt
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