ASREXACHECK is the utility which is used to make sure that Exadata machine is communicating with ASR manager.
It checks the ASM configuration and performs the test from Database server and ILOM which sends mail from both to configured mail ID and it will report either succeeded or failure to send email.
The asrexacheck utility checks for known configuration issues as well as checking for any previous hardware faults that may not have been reported by ASR due a misconfiguration on the Exadata nodes.
When performing Preventive Maintenance on Exadata the Oracle will ask to run a PM Health Check script (asrexachk) on the individual systems to check the ASR configuration, as well as the health of the hardware components
Step 1 Download the file from MOS ID - 1450112.1
Step 2 Copy it to all compute nodes on Exadata
You can copy it to anywhere on DB node. Here we have copied it to /opt/oracle.SupportTools
Step 3 Change the permission of script
#chmod 755 /opt/oracle.SupportTools/asrexachk
Step 4 Get the list of combination parameter to execute asrexacheck by executing
[root@db01 oracle.SupportTools]# # ./asrexachk help
You will get below options
In addition to running the asrexachk script with out any options there are some additional options that are available to add or suppress some functionality.
-h[H] Display a usage message on available options.
-f[F] Provides ASR validation only with NO ASR test events
and NO Proactive Maintenance
-p[P] ASR & Proactive Maintenance but no ASR test events
-z[Z] ASR with test events and Proactive Maintenance
Step 5 We are executing for Preventive Maintenance on Exadata so executing without any option
[root@db01 oracle.SupportTools]# ./asrexachk
ASRExachk 3.2
Tue Jun 16 17:44:55 IST 2015
Hostname: db01
Device Type: Exadata Database Machine X3-2 ********
Serial Number: ********
Server Type: SUN-FIRE-X4170-M3
ASR Manager IP:
SNMP Trap Destinations: (host=asrmanager,port=162,community=public,type=asr,fromip=
Image version:
#########ASR Validation#########
Linux DB Node IP Interface Check
Validating ASR Manager IP to Interface bondeth0
It is recommended that the ASR Manager IP should be
on a management type network that does not carry client access traffic.
Please see the ASR Security Guide for Ports and Protcol for Required Firewall
Requirements for SNMP Traps to be sent to the ASR Manager
Client Access/Bond bondeth*or Customer Private eth2 and or eth3 Networks.
The ASR Manager network traffic is recommended to exit through the Management interfaces,
which is interface: Net0/eth0 and the ILOM port NetMGMT.
Validating ASR Manager IP to Interface bondib0
Validating ASR Manager IP to Interface eth0
Validating ASR Manager IP to Interface lo
Management IP Interface check completed
This is a non-standard configuration which ASR is not recommended on bondeth0
Please follow instructions provided in the error above by Node IP interfce Check for the Non-Standard Configuration
Checking the BMC Status
BMC Communication is Currently running
Checking for Pre-Existing Errors
Checking for HDD Faults
No HDD Faults Found
Checking for FMA Faults
No FMA faults found
Checking for ILOM Hardware Faults
No Hardware ILOM Faults
DB Node validation Progress
Checking for ASR/Exadata Process Running
Exadata Monitoring Script running as expected
Validating Fromip
Fromip matches the Management Interface
Validating ASR Configuration with Validate SNMP
Unable to Validate SNMP Due to Unconfigured ASR Setup
This is based on a IP Validation provided in previous Checks
Please contact Oracle Exadata Support for help in resolving
network configuration issue
test ASR-8001-NW
Exadata OS Validation
Sending test trap from to destination -
Exadata ILOM Validation
ILOM Test event sent to from
Validation Complete
Based on the Status, the email account registered to the ASR Manager
should receive 2 emails. One from the OS Hostname, and the
second from the ILOM Hostname
If 2 emails has not been received, please work with the ASR Backline
Team for further troubleshooting of the issue
This script will work on one node at a time, if you want to execute ASREXACHK on all db node and storage server than you can use script.
It will copy ASREXACHK on all the DB and storage node, execute it and collect the output into single file.
Perfectly explained. One of the best website for Exadata study. Thank you
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