RHEL 3 or latter x86
SUSE Linux 9 or latter x86
OEL 4 or latter x86
Software Requirement (08/10/2013) :
All the installation must be done by super User
#rpm -i sun-servicetag-1.1.5-1.i386.rpm
2. Verify created service tag execute below command
#/opt/sun/servicetag/bin/stclient -x
3. Install OSAM on ASR Manager Server
#rpm -i SUNWsasm-1.5.0-112.rpm
4. Install ASR Package on ASR Manager Server
#rpm -ivh SUNWswasr-4.5-20130703104534.rpm
5. Add asr path in .bash_profile file:
export PATH
Register ASR Manager :
1. On ASR Manager Server as root user
#asr register
2. If you are using a proxy server to access the Internet, then enter the proxy server information. If you are not using a proxy server, then enter a hyphen ( - ).
3. When prompted, enter your My Oracle Support user name and password. ASR will validate the login. Once validated, the registration is complete.
4. Check the registration status. Run the following command:
#asr show_reg_status
5. Test the connection to ensure that ASR can send information to the transport server. Run the following command:
#asr test_connection
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RHEL 3 or latter x86
SUSE Linux 9 or latter x86
OEL 4 or latter x86
Software Requirement (08/10/2013) :
- Oracle Automated Service Manager (OSAM) Package (Patch Number
- Oracle Automated Service Request (ASR) Package (Patch Number
- Service Tools Bundle (STB) (Patch Number
All the installation must be done by super User
- Install STB on ASR Manager Server
#rpm -i sun-servicetag-1.1.5-1.i386.rpm
2. Verify created service tag execute below command
#/opt/sun/servicetag/bin/stclient -x
3. Install OSAM on ASR Manager Server
#rpm -i SUNWsasm-1.5.0-112.rpm
4. Install ASR Package on ASR Manager Server
#rpm -ivh SUNWswasr-4.5-20130703104534.rpm
5. Add asr path in .bash_profile file:
export PATH
Register ASR Manager :
1. On ASR Manager Server as root user
#asr register
2. If you are using a proxy server to access the Internet, then enter the proxy server information. If you are not using a proxy server, then enter a hyphen ( - ).
3. When prompted, enter your My Oracle Support user name and password. ASR will validate the login. Once validated, the registration is complete.
4. Check the registration status. Run the following command:
#asr show_reg_status
5. Test the connection to ensure that ASR can send information to the transport server. Run the following command:
#asr test_connection
Get Exadata Documentation
You can follow our Exadata Certification Question Bank to achieve maximum success in your Exadata certification exam.
Good Explanation....